Create a Dream, with Della Burford

"Dream, Visualize, Create"

About Della Burford

Award-winning painter and best selling author, Della Burford’s art have been inspired by dreams, imagination, and travel. She has authored and painted eight books. She received a certificate from the New York School Interior Design and a degree in Textiles from the University of Alberta and a Bachelor of Education from Queens University. She taught Design at Humber College for six years.

Then she decided to devote her time to her own paintings, stories and workshops, and spiritual development. She studied with a Zen monk and many yogis. She was mentored by a shaman who studied with Carl Jung and also studied dreams with Robert Moss and Dream Yoga with Tenzin Wagyal Rinpoche. She studied the mische technique of painting in Vienna and showed in many of the Society of Art of Imagination shows in Montreal, Ottawa, New York, London, and Peru. She won a prize as the best Graphic Art in an Art Show in Moscow and spoke on Art and Dreams.

Her artistic stories have been performed in New York at the Museum of Natural History, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Citycorp and in Washington at the Smithsonian Institute. Magical Earth Secrets Miracle Galaxy has been performed for seven years in Japan. Her work is for the World, Humanity, and Spirit.

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